Last Sunday I had a couple of newborn sessions. These 2 darlings were born a couple days apart. Very unusual that these newborns did not want to sleep but I did manage to capture a few photos of Brogan sleeping while Siena wanted nothing to do with sleep. Enjoy!
We took advantage of the gorgeous 60+ degree weather this weekend and had a nice little outdoor session. Liz and I had talked about doing a session in the spring but we had to sync up with her family's schedule and found the perfect time this Thanksgiving weekend. Enjoy the previews. P.S. My favorite is the thumbs up picture!
We decided on doing this family session outside since the high today was supposed to be in the mid-50s. It was still a bit chilly and the kids were getting cold so we had a very fast shoot. Even with all the cold noses, I managed to capture some cute shots. Plus, I was super excited that I got to use my wide-angle lens today! Enjoy!
This adorable little guy came all the way from Canada to visit us so I had to get a session in with him. Tez was very cooperative, posing in front of the camera without any complaints. Now I just need to figure out how to get my girls to do the same thing so I can get our Christmas cards completed.
I had the pleasure of capturing pics of baby Brogan at 3 weeks old. I was hoping for some sleeping baby pics but he was awake the whole time!! I may need to borrow him again for some sleepy baby pics.
It took a few weeks to schedule this senior portrait session since Michelle has a very busy schedule!!! It was a gorgeous Sunday morning, except it was a bit breezy. Here are some of my favorite preview shots...
Here's a quick sneak peek from a recent session. It was nice and sunny but a bit chilly during our morning session. The kids were troopers and I was able to get some great shots of "B" when he was able to sit still enough for the camera. Enjoy!
Here are pics of my favorite girls (second only to mine, of course) - I've been taking their pics since they were babies! I had a great time with the girls at the West Bottoms and it wouldn't be complete without seeing a train go by.
I have a new favorite spot for my fall portraits - Antioch Park was abundant with some pretty amazing fall colors. My first session of the day was with Archer and it's soooo hard for a boy to sit still but I did manage to capture some cute pics. Enjoy the previews!
Wow!!! Even though it was still a little chilly and a bit windy, we were still able to get some great shots. There were so many good ones but here are some of my favorites. I normally try to include a B&W pic but couldn't decide which one to convert since the colors were amazing!! Also, the first pic was too cute to not post - Sarah and her baby cousin Daniel.
Here's a sneak peek of a session I did this past weekend of a big brother bonding with the little brother who we will get to meet in a few weeks. OK, so Grayson wanted to be upside down and play with my daughter but I did manage to capture a few great shots. Here are a few of my favorites...
The forecast for Wednesday was in the low 90's so we decided to squeeze in a photo session over the lunch period so that it would be a little cooler for the boys. The boys were troopers, enduring the heat and I'm sure they were a bit hungry also. Here are a few of my favorites (there were so many, that it was hard to pick out which ones to post for the previews)! Enjoy!!